We are a registered charitable organization committed to providing support and resources to those in need. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all donations made to our cause are tax deductible. Your generous contributions help us continue to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for considering supporting our mission. Click here to make a donation.
We use Givebutter to process all donations. To edit your recurring plan, click the link at the bottom of the email receipt you received for your last charge. It doesn’t need to be the most recent one, and you do not need to have a Givebutter login to manage your recurring plan. This will take you to a page where you can view the details of your recurring plan. Click the EDIT PLAN button to make changes.
A window will pop up where you can edit your recurring donation, including:
- amount
- donation frequency
- payment method
- your contact email
- tip and fee settings
- plan status (Active, Paused, or Canceled)
Take our volunteer survey today and someone from our team will reach out to discuss how best we can leverage your talents and experience to support those in need.